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How to Floss Properly

Brushing your teeth two times a day is the standard for maintaining oral hygiene but brushing alone is not enough to provide an efficient protection from plaque buildup and bacteria. By implementing the proper flossing technique at least once a day before your brushing routine, you can ensure that your teeth will remain pristine, and your gums healthy.

  1. Cut off at least 18 – 24 inches of floss
  2. Wrap line of floss around both of your middle fingers until about 2 inches of floss line is left
  3. Hold the 2-inch floss line with both your index finger and thumb from both hands
  4. Slide the floss gently between your teeth in a zig zag motion as to not glide straight down and pressure your gums
  5. Slide the floss up and down the sides of each tooth separately
  6. Form a C-shape while flossing up and down on your tooth to gently get between the small space of your tooth and your gums
  7. Proceed to next tooth with a clean section of floss
  8. Don’t forget to floss your back most teeth!
  9. Rinse with water and proceed with brushing routine

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